你曾經有吃醋的經驗嗎? 不管是對朋友、家人、情人、還是同事,都有可能發生忌妒的情形。有人可能在工作上,因為受到老闆的重用,讓其他人吃味而被排擠。在犀利人妻裡面,小三的出現,更讓整部戲醋勁酸滿天! 為什麼會有忌妒的產生呢? 這就是看不得別人好的狹小心理,但自己又沒有能力達到別人所擁有的,忌妒心就會油然而生,嚴重的話,就會產生報復行動。





Have you ever been jealous?  


Here's what people in London said:


"I've just moved into a flat with my girlfriend and we've planted tomato plants and herbs outside on the balcony. And this past weekend, we visited a friend in the countryside and they have a big garden and when I saw that garden and all the things they've got planted there, I felt quite jealous, quite jealous of the amount of space that they’ve got."


"Yes this year my friend went travelling round the world, got redundancy."


So you were jealous of her chance.  


"I was jealous of her chance to be paid to go and see the world. So that was probably my example."


"When I was just dating my husband, and we went to a party and someone asked him to dance. And he did just to be friendly, and I was just madly jealous."




Let’s dig in!


Jealousy could be resulted from small aspects. Like in the article, the guy simply got jealous because his friend could plant herbs in a big garden, but he only got a small balcony. The comparison immediately makes him feel that his life is no better than his friend and that could make him embarrassed in front of his girlfriend.


Also, when we know someone is doing something that we wish to do all their life, we could be jealous of their fortune because it’s like watching other people living in your dream.

Of course, in a relationship, jealousy is unavoidable. It’s the sense of possession or threat of security that arise it. Sometimes a simple glimpse could cause a big fight for a couple.



Word bank


Flat 套房

“I have a flat mate whom I live together with.”



Herbs 綠色植物

“The herbs she planted in the garden are blossoming because it’s spring already.”



   Balcony 陽台

“We like to have a BBQ party during Mid-autumn Festival.”



Redundancy 資遣

“Due to economic downturn, there are many people got redundancy in the past two years.”



Dating 談戀愛/約會

“My girlfriend and I have been dating for more than 10 years.”



Tell me about it..


Have you ever been jealous while you are dating your boyfriend/girlfriend? Why?


What make you jealous?


When was the last time you were jealous?


Who were you jealous of back in school?


How did you resolve your own or your boyfriend/girlfriend’s jealousy?


Now tell us, have you ever been jealous?





A competent and self-confident person is incapable of jealousy in anything. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity.” 一個有競爭力又有自信的人不會去忌妒別人,因為,忌妒心一定是由心理上的不安全感造成的徵狀


                                                                                                                - Robert A. Heinlein

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