你們呢 ??
這次的新聞會講解人為什麼會常常會買太多東西 及 商店用哪些方式增加銷售量。
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(一) 重點單字
1. Layout [n.] = 設計、佈局、陳列
2. Shopping mall = 購物中心 ( 偏美式的講法 )
3. Shopping centre = 購物中心 ( 偏英式的講法 )
4. Department store = 百貨公司
5. Disorienting [adj.] = 使人迷惘的、使人失去方向或判斷力的
6. Retail [n.] = 零售
7. Anthropology [n.] = 人類學
(二) 聽力填空題
1. The __________ of a shop has a large __________ on what we buy and how much money we __________.
2. And if the shopper is __________, or __________, they're more likely to forget what they came in for, and might start buying more items.
3. And __________ is the study of humans and human __________.
4. Professor Alan Penn, from University College London, __________ in designing retail ___________.
5. Apparently the fresh fruit provides a __________, healthy __________ as you step into the shop – it's more __________.
(三) 聽力問答題
1. What three things are used by shops to get people to buy more ?
2. Where do supermarkets usually keep the essential products ?
3. What is strange about the South China Mall ?
(四) 討論題
Do you like shopping at department stores ?
Or do you prefer to shop on the internet in the comfort of your own home ?
Most of the time, I shop on the internet.
However, I never buy shoes from the web as I like to try on shoes before I buy them.
I usually buy clothing.
What about you ?
Where do you usually go shopping ?
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