Some think it's the next must-have accessory for movie-buffs. At the cinema why wear those free plastic specs that someone else has used already, when you can buy your own 3D glasses? Designers like Oakley and Calvin Klein hope consumers will pay up to US$180 a pair to be trendsetters.
It's the next step in the personalisation of 3D entertainment. It's already a growing format for movies including the blockbuster Avatar.
Now electronics companies are offering 3D TV sets for the home. But they may supply 3D glasses that work only with their products, not in cinemas. Which would make those stylish designer glasses of limited use.
Just as with the advent of home video recording when VHS battled and triumphed over Betamax, there could be a format war looming over 3D glasses.
Designers hope they're tapping into a fashion-conscious market but soon will those personalised 3D specs be useful or just stylish?
Glossary 词汇表
- must-have必备品
- movie buff影迷
- specs (spectacles)眼镜
- trendsetter引领潮流的人
- personalisation个人化
- stylish时髦的
- to triumph over战胜
- to loom over酝酿,即将发生
- to tap into开发
- fashion-conscious赶时髦的,注重流行的
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