New Home for Polar Bears 北極熊的危急棲息地
Right now in an icy den in the Arctic, a polar bear is giving birth to cubs, or is about to. But the very survival of this fearsome, majestic species concerns many humans.
Polar bears live and hunt on sea ice but the frozen Arctic Ocean is melting at an increasing rate, a result, scientists say, of global warming caused by greenhouse gases.
Now the US government has designated nearly half a million square kilometres in Alaska as critical habitats for the polar bear. It covers an area of roughlytwice the size of the United Kingdom, and it means any proposed economic activity there must be weighed against its impact on the bears’ habitat. It includes some of the Chukchi and Beaufort seas, exactly where the oil company Shell wants to drill.
The designation itself doesn't ban oil exploration, but it adds extra hurdles that opponents say will harm the economy.
Environmentalists welcome the move, saying now, they can write a recovery plan for polar bears, not an obituary.
Glossary 辭彙表
- fearsome十分可怕的
- to melt融化
- increasing rate加快的比率
- to designate指定
- critical habitat危急棲息地
- to propose提議
- to weigh against權衡
- to ban禁止
- hurdle障礙、限制
- environmentalist環保人士
- recovery plan恢復計畫
- obituary訃告
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