A few bob 的意思就是一點錢。
Have you got a few bob?
Hi I'm William and welcome to Authentic Real English.
Feifei: Ahhh…
William: Feifei?
Feifei: Don't you think Brad Pitt is lovely?
William: Brad Pitt?
Feifei: Yes he's tall, handsome… and of course an amazing actor.
William: Yeah and I'm sure he's worth a few bob too.
Feifei: A few bob?
William: Yeah I think Brad Pitt is worth a lot of money.
Feifei: So a few bob means a large amount of money?
William: Well a few bob actually means a small amount of money but it's usually used in an ironic way, to mean a lot of money.
Feifei:A few bob 的意思就是一點錢。
William: Here are some examples.
A: She's has got the brand new phone I want!
B: Yeah and look at that designer handbag, she definitely looks like she's got a few bob.
A: Did you see John's new car?
B: Yes it's amazing! He's definitely not short of a few bob.
William: In that last example the speaker said not short of a few bob.
Feifei: Not short of a few bob 的意思就是他非常富有。
William: Sometimes instead of saying a few bob people will say a bob or two.
Feifei: 有時候我們也可以說 a bob or two 來表示
a few bob. I definitely think Brad Pitt is worth a bob or two.
William: Feifei, I think you're getting obsessed with Brad Pitt!
Feifei: I'm not obsessed 痴迷的! I just think he's a very good actor!
William: Yeah yeah yeah! Anyway back to today's phrase, here is an example using the phrase a bob or two.
A: Did you sell your old furniture?
B. Not yet, but I'm hoping to make a bob or two out of it.
Feifei: So William, are you worth a bob or two?
William: I couldn't possibly answer that Feifei!
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