


William: Hello, I'm William Kremer and this is your favourite programme about English slang, Authentic Real English.


Wang Fei: 大家好,我是王飛。Hi there, I'm Wang Fei.

William, look what I've made!


William: Ooh! A pizza! It looks lovely.


Wang Fei: 我是用我自己的特製皮薩烤箱做的。現在我們再做最後的一道工序。馬上就好了。


William: What are you doing?!


Wang Fei: 我把一個雞蛋打在皮薩餅上。我在威尼斯看到過一個服務員把雞蛋打在皮薩餅上。There! Would you like a slice?


William: Er, maybe not, Wang Fei! Don't you think that raw egg is a bit... iffy?


Wang Fei: Iffy?


William: Iffy, which means maybe not very good.


Wang Fei: Iffy 有些怪的,有問題的。我們來聽更多的用法。



A: Oh, don't log in to that computer! It's been a bit iffy lately.

B: I might not go in to work today. My stomach is feeling very iffy after eating Wang Fei's pizza last night!


Wang Fei: Oh, William! 這可太不好了!在第一個例子中,我們聽到一位女士警告她的同事不要用一台電腦,因為那台電腦不可靠、有問題。


William: That's right. And in the second example someone said that they were feeling iffy after eating your pizza, Wang Fei!


Wang Fei: That's not nice!


William: It's not nice, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Now, we can also use this word iffy when we are describing something that is uncertain, that might not happen. So let's hear an example of that.



A: Are you still planning to move house this year?

B: Well, that's looking a bit iffy to be honest. It depends on Richard's job.


Wang Fei: 在剛才的例子中,他們說他們的搬家計畫 looked a bit iffy, 可能不行了,可能搬不了。


William: Yes. But your pizza looks iffy because it might not be good for me.


Wang Fei: Hmm. So are you saying that you never eat eggs, William?


William: No, I eat eggs. I just prefer to cook them first!


Wang Fei: 看來你從來沒有吃過蛋黃醬吧?


William: Er...mayonnaise... hmmm. Well, anyway, remember that you can hear more Authentic Real English programmes on our website bbcukchina.com.


Wang Fei: 再見!


William: Bye bye.



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