該名錄現在已收錄了213 項非物質文化遺產項目,其中包括中國針灸,京劇和哥倫比亞音樂等。
France’s submission, which sits alongside Croatian gingerbread and Azerbaijani carpet, centres mostly around the ritual itself.
How wines are paired with dishes, how the table is dressed, the precise placing of glasses for water and wine, knife blade pointing in, fork curved towards the dish, all time-honoured rituals.
One jury member said there was no major reason why France should be rejected, not even president Sarkozy's untimely assertion that when it comes to cooking, the French are the best in the world, a statement that enraged the Italians and Spaniards with whom Greece and Mexico are bidding jointly for the honour of Mediterranean diet.
There are no specific French dishes or ingredients in this entry. It centres largely on the fact the French have a tendency to talk endlessly about their food.
Glossary 辭彙表
- submission申報專案
- to be paired搭配,配對
- dressed裝飾
- time-honoured歷史悠久的
- untimely不合時宜的
- to enrage激怒,使…憤怒
- to bid申報
- Mediterranean地中海的
- tendency趨勢,傾向
- endlessly不斷地,無休止地
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