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2015-04-17 [6 Minute English] Underwater living 水底下的生活 (2761) (1)
2015-04-13 [6 Minute English]Do you feel sad when life isn't challenging enough? 在人生中,當你過的太安逸或是沒有挑戰的時候,你會覺得難過嗎? (3200) (1)
2015-03-10 [6 Minute English] Is it important to keep men's body image? 男人維持身材重不重要? (723) (0)
2015-01-15 [6 Minute English] Could turning the heat down reduce your weight? 溫度下降可以幫助減肥嗎? (808) (0)
2015-01-14 [6 Minute English] How to talk about star signs or horoscope in English? 星座話題常常出現在我們日常生活中,想知道星座是從何而來的嗎? (1355) (0)
2015-01-07 [6 Minute English] Brazilian food 你知不知道巴西有哪些有名的食物嗎? (995) (0)
2014-12-02 [6 Minute English] Grown up and living at home 現代社會有多少成年人已經出外工作,卻還是住在家裡的呢? (547) (0)
2014-11-27 [6 Minute English] What’s so different about modern offices? 現代化的辦公環境到底有甚麼地方不同呢? (2779) (1)
2014-09-05 [6 Minute English] Is there more of the world to explore? 這個世界上還有地方等待我們去發掘的嗎? (2071) (0)
2014-08-18 [6 Minute English] 今年的世足賽在巴西舉行,你可否知道巴西有名的音樂類型呢? (245) (0)
2014-07-09 [6 Minute English] 當你在看世足賽的時候,你知不知道有哪些足球相關的英文,讓你可以跟外國人聊上兩句呢? (610) (0)
2014-07-03 [6 Minute English] What is freedom? 自由到底是甚麼呢? (336) (0)
2014-06-05 [6 Minute English] The male brain, the female brain 男人和女人,到底是誰的腦筋比較好呢? (854) (1)
2014-05-15 [6 Minute English] What are some of the cinema etiquette we should have? 去看電影的時候,有哪些禮儀是我們需要注意的呢? (2616) (1)
2014-04-03 [6 Minute English] Technology at the Winter Olympics 冬季奧運的最新科技 (383) (1)
2014-03-19 Do you know which is the second most spoken language in England? 大家猜猜看,在英國最多人說的第二語言是甚麼呢? (1789) (1)
2014-02-20 [6 Minute English] When does adulthood start? 你認為正式轉變成為成年人的時間是甚麼時候呢? (878) (0)
2014-02-06 [6 Minute English] Socialising Have you ever been embarrassed in a social event? 你在出席社交場合的時候,有沒有遇過讓你覺得很尷尬的情況呢? (539) (0)
2014-01-28 [Express English] What are you passionate about? 你熱衷的東西或事情是甚麼呢? (1647) (0)
2014-01-15 [6 Minute English] Showrooming and shopping (538) (0)
2014-01-09 [Express English] What would be your ideal marriage proposal? 你夢想中最棒的求婚是甚麼樣子呢? (639) (0)
2014-01-03 [Express English] What's the best and worst thing about shopping where you live? 在你居住的城市購物,有甚麼地方讓你覺得很棒,又有哪些地方讓你覺得很討厭的呢? (135) (0)
2013-12-27 [Express English] Who would you give an award to and why? 如果你可以頒一個獎給某個人,你會給誰呢? 為什麼? (84) (0)
2013-12-20 [Express English] What is your most treasured photograph and why? 你最珍藏的照片是哪一張? 為什麼呢? (392) (0)
2013-12-13 [Express English] Do you think you are a successful person? 你認為你是一個成功的人嗎? (194) (0)
2013-12-06 [Express English] How can you tell if someone likes you? What are the signs? 你是如何知道一個人喜不喜歡你呢? 有哪些徵兆? (386) (1)
2013-11-29 [Express English] What would be your ideal trip? 你最理想的一段旅程是甚麼樣子的呢? (140) (0)
2013-11-22 [Express English] What was your first week at university like? 想想當初你上大學的第一個禮拜,你是怎麼渡過的呢? (101) (0)
2013-11-15 [Express English] How do you feel when you give or are given flowers? 當你送花或是收到花的時候,感覺如何呢? (503) (0)
2013-11-08 [Express English] What lessons for life can you give? 要如何活出自己的人生,你有甚麼可以跟大家分享的呢? (341) (0)
2013-11-01 [Express English] How do you feel about sharing music online? 你對於目前線上音樂的分享方式有甚麼樣的看法? (124) (0)
2013-10-25 [Express English] How important is television in your life? (77) (0)
2013-10-18 [Express English] What makes you worry and why? 甚麼事情會讓你擔心或傷腦筋呢? 為什麼呢? (459) (0)
2013-10-04 [Express English] What's your favourite fairy tale? 你最喜歡的童話故事是哪一個? (698) (0)
2013-09-27 [Express English] What makes children happy? 甚麼東西會逗小孩子開心呢? (341) (0)
2013-09-13 [Express English] What makes children unhappy? 甚麼東西會讓小孩子不高興呢? (278) (0)
2013-09-06 [Express English] Who's your best friend? 誰是你最好的朋友呢? (425) (0)
2013-08-30 [Express English] How do you feel about boxing? (188) (0)
2013-08-23 [Express English] What's the best thing about a man? (400) (0)
2013-08-16 [Express English] - What's the best thing about being a woman? (364) (0)
2013-08-09 [Express English] - What makes you stressed and how do you deal with it? (4272) (0)
2013-07-26 [Express English] - What’s in at the moment? (1120) (0)
2013-07-19 [Express English] - What do you look for in a relationship? (3705) (0)
2013-07-12 [Express English] - What does home mean to you? (422) (0)
2013-06-28 [Express English] - What are you scared of and why? (1179) (0)
2013-06-14 [Express English] - Who's your hero and why? (1235) (1)
2013-06-07 [Express English] - What's your most embarrassing moment? (614) (0)
2013-05-31 [Express English] - What do you do in your spare time? (19961) (1)
2013-05-24 [Express English] - What do people think of, when they think of your country? (156) (0)
2013-05-21 [Express English] - Do you use social networking sites? (2597) (0)
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