兔年名人--Michael Jordan 麥克爾•喬丹
Michael Jordan's jump is a lot higher than that of a rabbit!
In the fifth episode William Kremer talks about the affinity he has with his favourite sports personality.
第五輯 Michael Jordan 麥克爾·喬丹 ( February, 1963---)
William: My favourite famous rabbit is definitely Michael Jordan, the basketball player. And I say that not just because he's very tall and I'm very very tall so I have that affinity 密切的近似 with him, but also because I think he's a really good example of a rabbit.
Obviously, he jumps and that's how he makes his money, that's what he's famous for, is jumping like a rabbit – actually, a bit higher than a rabbit. I mean, the way he jumps is incredible 令人難以置信的 and it's like no-one else. With his legs wide apart sometimes, he goes up for the slam dunk 扣籃, he reaches it, he sticks his tongue out, it's fantastic. He's just got this amazing charisma 了不起的個人魅力。And he so often does it in the very last second of a game, as well, which makes it so exciting. So that's the main reason he's like a rabbit.
But he's also very ambitious 很有雄心壯志的, very shrewd 精明的。Michael Jordan is a really successful businessman. He has been very careful with his image – the way he's marketed 市場推銷 his image– he's made a lot of money off that 由此賺了很多錢。But he's also now the owner and manager of his own basketball team.
And I think the third thing is that rabbits are famous for being very cute 可愛的 and looking really good. And Michael Jordan is not only a good-looking man and very well-dressed 穿戴講究的 always but he has his own fashion label 個人品牌商標 associated with him – with his name – so he's extremely fashionable 非常時髦的。 So in that respect he's quite like a rabbit as well.
So he's definitely my favourite famous rabbit.
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