[六分鐘英語] -- Sleepwalking / 夢遊 ( 問題篇 )


挑戰二來嘍 !!



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(一)  重點單字


1.  Sleepwalk  [v.] / [n.]  =  夢遊 


2.  Genetic  [adj.]  =  基因的、遺傳的


3.  Gene  [n.]  =  基因、遺傳因子


4.  Dose of medication  =  藥物劑量


5.  Harmless  [adj.]  =  無害的


6.  It runs in families.  =  是家族遺傳的


7.  Generation  [n.]  =  世代、一代


8.  Defective  [adj.]  =  有缺陷的、不完美的


9.  50-50  =  一半一半 ( 的機率 )



(二)  聽力填空題




1.  This is a new development by scientists in the United States that shows that sleepwalking is genetic – it’s passed on from __________ to __________ .


2.  I took __________ – on one occasion, three __________ doses of morphine .


3.  Dr Dev Banerjee, who says that usually sleepwalking is harmless – even novel – __________ and quite __________ .


4.  Once the defective gene has been identified it means it could be easier to find __________ and __________ for sleepwalkers.


5.  50–50 - that means they have an __________ of either inheriting the gene or not inheriting it!




(三)  聽力問答題




1.  What percentage of children and adults sleepwalk ?


2.  What chromosome is the sleepwalking gene found on ?


3.  What happens during the REM stage of sleep ?



(四)  討論題


Some people just can't sleep quietly.

My husband, for example, SNORES ( very LOUDLY ).

Others grind their teeth or talk in their sleep.


Do you or anyone you know do strange or funny things while sleeping ?

If they do, tell us how they amuse or annoy you.......





請各位試著在下方回答(二ˊ) 到 (四) 的答案。




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