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(二) 聽力填空題
1. And the thing I hate most is that on a crowded carriage – or compartment - I always have to stand under someone's armpit – and they don't always smell very nice!
2. Yes, tourists and visitors to London who I’ve spoken to say they find it quite simple to use and that the map is very good.
3. She soon realised that if she didn't 'get on with it', squeeze into a carriage and travel in cramped conditions at rush hour, she might never go anywhere.
4. When there are lots of people in small, public places, people avoid eye contact or talking to each other.
5. Yes, because the beeping sound lets them know when it's safe to get on and off the train.
(三) 聽力問答題
1. According to Yvonne, what are some of the reasons why people love the Tube ?
Anyway, there is a lot to love about the Tube as well. It’s reasonably fast, it covers a wide area and it has a long history.
2. Who is Natalie ? Where does she come from ?
When our colleague Natalie first arrived in London from Northern Ireland, one thing about the Tube really surprised her.
3. Wang Fei says the Tube makes three different sounds. What are they ?
But first, the train makes a quiet, rumbling noise that grows louder and louder.
Then there was 'beeping' - that's the sound we hear as the doors open and close
on the carriages.
We also heard about the 'clacking' sound – which Wang Fei says is a continuous sound that we hear in the background.
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