[六分鐘英語] -- Love letters / 情書 ( 問題篇 )
這個星期六是七夕,各位粉絲們想好要送另一半什麼了嗎 ?
Click here for the news. / 點這聽新聞。
(一) 重點單字
1. romantic [adj.] = 浪漫的
2. the front line = 最前線、前線、火線
3. sweetheart [n.] = 甜心、情人、愛人
4. shy [adj.] = 害羞、羞怯的、靦腆的
5. engaged [adj.] = 訂婚的、有婚約的
6. distant [adj.] = 遙遠的、遠方的
7. moving [adj.] = 感人的、動人的
8. worst case scenarios = 最壞的情況
9. deployment [n.] = 部署、調度 ( 很多時侯指軍事上的 )
10. banal [adj] = 平庸的、陳腐的
(二) 聽力填空題
1. Now Rob, put your __________ hat on and tell us, have you ever __________ or __________ a love letter ?
2. In which year was The __________ Mail – Britain's postal service – __________ ?
3. Now, back to "__________ and __________" – the collection of letters at the National Army Museum.
4. He suggests that they get __________ 'in a sort of distant way' because he's far from home and can't __________ marriage in person.
5. Well basically, when we read them, they make us feel very __________ – perhaps even __________.
(三) 聽力問答題
1. What kind of people wrote the letters included in the exhibition ?
2. What is considered as a " worst case scenario " in the news clip ?
3. Where did Caroline Flynn-MacCloud's husband return from ?
(四) 討論題
How are you celebrating the Qixi festival this year ?
Are you going to give your sweetheart a present ?
Or are you going out for a romantic dinner ?
I'm not doing anything special with my husband this year as we will be attending a wedding that day.
So we might celebrate Chinese Valentine's Day later this month on my honey's birthday.
Tell us about your plans for the day........
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