
[六分鐘英語] -- Ebooks / 電子書 ( 問題篇 )









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(一)  重點單字


1.  ebooks  [n.]  =  電子書


2.  digital  [adj.]  =  數位的


3.  download  [v.]  =  下載


4.  online  [adj.] / [adv.]  =  網路上的、線上的、在線的


5.  hardbacks  [n.]  =  硬封面書、精裝本


6.  paperbacks  [n.]  =  紙封面書、平裝本


7.  bankrupt  [adj.]  =  破產的


8.  publish  [v.]  =  出版、發行


9.  stable  [adj.]  =  穩定的、平穩的


10.  the nuts and bolts  =  基本要素



(二)  聽力填空題


1.  Digital here means anything __________ with computers or __________.


2.  Earlier this year, the online __________ said it's now selling more electronic books in the US than __________ ones.


3.  The American bookstore Borders was __________ bankrupt earlier this year and the British book seller Waterstones has reported __________ __________.


4.  So for Sarah there, the __________ who will do particularly well are ones who build digital __________ and who live their lives online.


5.  But the number is __________ all the time, so it might be in the __________ soon.



(三)  聽力問答題


1.  Name the three e-book readers that are mentioned in the clip.


2.  When did the sales of e-books overtake the sales of paperbacks ?


3.  What are the three things that will always be important to a book ?



(四)  討論題


Do you read e-books ?

I read almost every day.

And I enjoy reading e-books because they are so easy to manage.

I don't need to carry around lots of books anymore.


If you do, what device do you use ?

I have an eee-note. It's a great e-reader device from Asus.

There is no backlight, so I can use it for many hours without hurting my eyes.

I also have a new Samsung Galaxy 2.

There is a nice app that provides lots of books for me to read.


Tell us about you e-book reading habits and experiences......




** Copyrights of the audio clip and scrip belong to BBC and are used here for educational purposes only. **

** We are not in any way affiliated with BBC. **


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