【道地英語】Awesome 太好了
Would you call these cakes awesome?
William: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English, I'm William Kremer.
Yang Li: And I'm Yang Li.
William: And your task, Yang Li, is to guess today's word, OK?
Yang Li: OK.
William: Awesome. Li, try a piece of cake…
Yang Li: A cake? Oh, thanks! It's nice…
William: Do you like it? Awesome. They're pretty awesome cakes, huh?!
Yang Li: Yes, I think I know what this week's word is. It's, erm…
William: Hang on, try some of this coffee as well, Li – it's really…
Yang Li: Awesome?
William: Ha... Exactly, you got it. Ok, listen to this. Which three adjectives are used?
This party is awesome. The food is amazing. The wine is excellent.
Yang Li: Awesome, amazing and excellent.
William: That's right. Awesome means excellent or amazing.
Yang Li: Awesome 這個詞的意思是太棒了,太好了。這個詞由來已久,原本的意思是令人感到震驚驚訝,不過美國俚語把它變成了一個高度讚揚性的詞,意思是太好了!
William: Yes, these days the word can be used to describe almost anything.
These shoes are awesome.
This is an awesome radio programme.
Wow, you are awesome at singing, mate!
William: And there is one slightly different usage of this word. Listen to this.
A: Are you free to come for hotpot tonight?
B: Yes, I should be.
A: Awesome. That makes four of us!
William: So what does awesome mean there, Li?
Yang Li: 我覺得這個詞和 great 差不多,比如聽某人說了一件你喜歡的事就可以說太好了 awesome!
William: That's it. Awesome can also be used to mean great, or that's great, at the beginning of a sentence.
Yang Li: Awesome! That's clear now.
William: Awesome. And that's the end of this awesome programme.
Yang Li: William, do you have any cakes left?
William: Er, just one. Do you want to share it?
Yang Li: Awesome. Bye.
William: Bye.
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