[六分鐘英語] -- Ebooks / 電子書 ( 解答篇 )
粉絲們會用電腦或手機看漫畫嗎 ?
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(二) 聽力填空題
1. Digital here means anything connected with computers or electronics.
2. Earlier this year, the online bookshop Amazon.com said it's now selling more electronic books in the US than printed ones.
3. The American bookstore Borders was declared bankrupt earlier this year and the British book seller Waterstones has reported serious losses.
4. So for Sarah there, the authors who will do particularly well are ones who build digital audiences and who live their lives online.
5. But the number is increasing all the time, so it might be in the millions soon.
(三) 聽力問答題
1. Name the three e-book readers that are mentioned in the clip.
Digital devices, such as the Amazon Kindle, the Apple iPad and the Sony Reader, allow readers to buy ebooks online, and to download thousands of books onto one device.
2. When did the sales of e-books overtake the sales of paperbacks ?
Last year ebooks sales overtook sales of hardback books, and in January this year they overtook sales of paperback books.
3. What are the three things that will always be important to a book ?
She says that strong characters, plots and settings will always be the most important part of a book, regardless or the format.
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