
[六分鐘英語] -- Plastic pollution / 塑膠汙染 ( 問題篇 )










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(一)  重點單字


1.  pollution  [n.]  =  污染


2.  garbage  [n.]  =  垃圾、剩菜、廢物 ( 偏美式用法 )


3.  rubbish  [n.]  =  垃圾、剩菜、廢物 ( 偏英式用法 )


4.  litter  [n.]  =  垃圾、廢棄物、被亂丟的東西


5.  biodegradable  [adj.]  =  能生物分解的


6.  packaging  [n.]  =  包裝、包裝材料


7.  discard  [v.]  =  拋棄、摒棄、丟棄.


8.  recycle  [v.]  =  回收、使再循環、再利用.



(二)  聽力填空題


1.  Yes, well __________ is the term for harmful waste which has been put into the environment, and which can be damaging to __________ and ___________.


2.  So if a product isn’t biodegradable it won’t __________ or __________ organically.


3.  We can __________ the amount of packaging used on products; we can __________ packaging more than once, and we can __________ the materials used.


4.  So you can recycle old __________, __________ and __________ products to make something new.


5.  There are apparently __________ pieces of plastic, on average, in each ___________ of the ocean.



(三)  聽力問答題


1.  What is the " Great Pacific Garbage Patch " ?


2.  What sort of litter have scientists found in birds’ stomachs ?


3.  What percentage of plastic produced each year is used for packaging ?



(四)  討論題.


How green are you ?

We all know that it's time for everyone to do their part and help save the planet.

But...what do you actually do ??

Share some of the " green " things you do that are good for earth.


We use energy saving light bulbs in our house.

We recycle as much as possible.

We use eco-friendly cleaning products ( such as vinegar ) at home.

And to reduce meat consumption, we are vegetarians three days a week.

However, I do need to improve and remember to bring my own water bottle and chopsticks with me when I go out.


How about you?

Tell us what you do to help our planet.....




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** We are not in any way affiliated with BBC. **


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