[六分鐘英語] -- Tea Drinking in the UK / 英國喝茶趣 ( 問題篇 )







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(一)  重點單字


1.  addict  [n.]  =  入迷的人、有癮的人


2.  traditional  [adj.]  =  傳統的、慣例的、因襲的


3.  nation  [n.]  =  國家、國民、民族


4.  Victorian  [adj.]  =  維多利亞時代的、維多利亞王朝風格的


5.  institution  [n.]  =  制度、習俗


6.  plantation  [n.]  =  農園、大農場


7.  industrialised  [adj.]  =  工業化的


8.  antiseptic  [n.]  =  抗菌劑、防腐劑


9.  sobriety  [n.]  =  清醒、冷靜  /  有節制、適度的飲酒


10.  propaganda  [n.]  =  宣傳、宣傳活動




(二)  聽力填空題


1.  Well tea is a very __________ and __________ drink here in the UK.


2.  That’s because Britain was an __________ during Victorian times so it helped itself to anything its countries produced, like tea and __________.


3.  Water wasn’t safe to drink so alcohol was a good antiseptic and often poor people, including some children, would drink __________, __________ or __________.


4.  The desire to have a working population that was __________ and __________ was very, very strong and there was a great deal of propaganda to that effect.


5.  Particularly the sales of ___________ and ___________.




(三)  聽力問答題


1.  When was the Victorian tea set made ?


2.  Where does tea come from ?


3.  What was the problem with workers in the 1800s ?




(四)  討論題


Do you prefer tea or coffee ?

I think I like tea more.

In fact, I only drink coffee about once a month.

Tea is just more refreshing; coffee is a bit too strong for me.


What about you ?

What do you like to drink ?

Don't forget to tell us why you like it !!






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** We are not in any way affiliated with BBC. **


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