[六分鐘英語] -- Scam mail / 詐騙郵件 ( 問題篇 )





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(一)  重點單字


1.  Crackdown  [n.]  =  鎮壓、痛擊


2.  Scam mail  =  詐騙信件


3.  Official  [adj.]  =  官方的、正式的


4.  Vulnerable  [adj.]  =  易受傷的、有弱點的


5.  A sense of urgency  =  急迫性


6.  Heavily in debt  =  欠很多錢的、有許多債務的


7.  Tempter  [n.]  =  引誘者、誘惑者


8.  Sucker  [n.]  =  易受騙的人


9.  Bombard  [v.]  =  轟炸、不斷攻擊


10.  Hooked  [adj.]  =  成癮的、入迷的




(二)  聽力填空題


1.  Scam mail – that’s post sent to people, asking them for money or __________ them __________ like cars or __________.


2.  They’re often quite convincing, they’re __________ to me personally and some really look quite __________ sometimes.


3.  The people who send the letters want you to act quickly – they often say things like ‘Do not __________!’, ‘Reply __________!’ or, ‘__________ ends soon’.


4.  A sucker list – now, a sucker is somebody who is easily __________ or __________.


5.  There was a penny __________, but the first __________ postage stamp was actually the penny __________.




(三)  聽力問答題


1.  When did the first sticky postage stamp go on sale ?


2.  According to the clip, what kind of people are considered " vulnerable " ?


3.  How many people have commited suicide because of scam mail ?

     Why did they kill themselves ?



(四)  討論題


Scam mail isn't that common in Taiwan, but people sometimes get phone calls from scammers trying to cheat them out of their money.


Have you ever received a scam call ?

I have.

The girl told me that there was a problem with my credit card.

I didn't believe her at all.


Tell us about the scam calls you have gotten before.

What did you do ?

Did they get your money ?


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