[六分鐘英語] -- The London Tube / 倫敦地鐵 ( 問題篇 )
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(一) 重點單字
1. get around = travel from place to place = 各處走動、通勤
2. The Tube = 英國的地下鐵 ( 也可稱 The Underground )
3. a love-hate relationship = 愛恨交加的關係、既愛又恨的關係
4. delay [n.] / [v.] = 延誤
5. unreliable [adj.] - 不可靠的
6. get on with (something) = 繼續去做某事、動手去進行某事
7. eye contact = 眼神交會、視線接觸
8. take (something) for granted = 視為理所當然
9. visually impaired = 視覺障礙 (的人)
10. soundtrack [n.] = 配樂、音軌、原聲帶
(二) 聽力填空題
1. And the thing I hate most is that on a crowded carriage – or compartment - I always have to stand under someone's __________ – and they don't always __________ very nice!
2. Yes, ____________ and ___________ to London who I’ve spoken to say they find it quite simple to use and that the map is very good.
3. She soon realised that if she didn't 'get on with it', __________ into a carriage and travel in cramped conditions at __________ __________, she might never go anywhere.
4. When there are lots of people in ___________, __________ places, people avoid eye contact or talking to each other.
5. Yes, because the __________ __________ lets them know when it's __________ to get on and off the train.
(三) 聽力問答題
1. According to Yvonne, what are some of the reasons why people love the Tube ?
2. Who is Natalie ? Where does she come from ?
3. Wang Fei says the Tube makes three different sounds. What are they ?
(四) 討論題
In Taiwan, we don't call our metro system ( or rapid transit system ) the Tube.
We usually say MRT.
How often do you take the MRT ?
I rely on it every day.
Which lines do you usually use ?
Most of the time, I use the Danshui to Xindian Line.
And I also use the blue line about once or twice a week.
How about you guys ?
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