[六分鐘英語] -- Tea Drinking in the UK / 英國喝茶趣 ( 解答篇 )


看來大家跟我一樣的愛喝茶 (或咖啡)的。



邊喝水邊看解答吧 !!


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(二)  聽力填空題


1.  Well tea is a very popular and traditional drink here in the UK.


2.  That’s because Britain was an empire during Victorian times so it helped itself to anything its countries produced, like tea and sugar.


3.  Water wasn’t safe to drink so alcohol was a good antiseptic and often poor people, including some children, would drink beer, port or gin.


4.  The desire to have a working population that was sober and industrious was very, very strong and there was a great deal of propaganda to that effect.


5.  Particularly the sales of cappuccinos and lattes.




(三)  聽力問答題


1.  When was the Victorian tea set made ?


Well, it was made between 1840 and 1845 at a time when really, tea became Britain’s favourite national drink.



2.  Where does tea come from ?


You could ask that question the other way 'round: what could be less British than a cup of tea, given that tea is made from plants grown in India, China or Africa and is usually sweetened by sugar from the Caribbean?



3.  What was the problem with workers in the 1800s ?


Now in the 1800s, Britain was becoming an industrialised nation and workers were required to be as productive as possible. But unfortunately, many of them were a little bit drunk.










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