[六分鐘英語] -- Citizen Journalism / 全民記者 ( 解答篇 )
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(二) 聽力填空題
1. Citizen journalism – that’s when people who aren’t trained journalists write or report about their experiences or use social media, like Facebook or Twitter, to broadcast their messages.
2. Well, your six countries are South Korea, Japan, the US, the UK, India or China.
3. Very high quality material rises to the top – the best blogs will become as popular as traditional broadcasters or newspapers.
4. So the journalist still has a valuable role as mediator, analyser and finder and verifier of stories.
5. It’s a very valuable source when the story is on the street, but not when we, the readers, listeners or
viewers, aren’t sure which side we should be on.
(三) 聽力問答題
1. What's the main difference between citizen journalists and traditional journalists ?
Citizen journalism – that’s when people who aren’t trained journalists write or
report about their experiences or use social media, like Facebook or Twitter, to
broadcast their messages.
2. What's something citizen journalists might not be able to do ?
He says that traditional journalists will always be needed to make sense of large
amounts of information, something which citizen journalists might not be able
to do.
3. In what situations should people rely on traditional journalism ?
When it is clear whose side we should be on, citizen journalists are very valuable, but when we don’t
really know what’s going on, we need the traditional skills of journalists to analyse material to help us understand.
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