
Famous Rabbits 兔年名人

Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics 1921.













第一輯 阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦 (March 1879 -- April 1955)


The script from this programme:


Stephen: It would be Albert Einstein. So he'd be known, I think, as the famous physicist. And I think a lot of people would have the picture in their head of this man with kind of hair sticking up in all directions 蓬亂的頭髮, almost as if he's been electrocuted 觸電一般.


But, I mean, he's very accomplished 有建樹有成就的 and he'd be recognised for winning the Nobel Prize for physics. For me I think the music talent he had was quite appealing 具有吸引力的.


I think it's quite nice to think he's not just a scientist; he's not just an academic in his books. Whereas I know, he played violin and piano. I think that makes someone like that very human.


Yang Li: Yes, just like you. You are very talented with music aren't you? Now, can you see in Einstein any characteristics of a rabbit?


Stephen: I think if you look at his face, I think the fact that he has a moustache 留鬍鬚的, I think the moustache and the combination of the scraggly hair 散亂的頭髮 gives the impression of this kind of rabbit-shaped face. And I think you look at him and he looks quite playful, you think he'd like to hop around 跳躍!


Yang Li: Have you got any famous anecdotes 趣聞軼事 or quotes from Albert Einstein?

Stephen: It seems he may at one point have been offered the presidency of Israel, so that's kind of one thing I'd never heard of before. And he said some quite interesting quotes; one of those was: "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious 神秘的東西; it is the source of all true art and science."


In the first episode Stephen Ryan introduces Albert Einstein.


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