Champion Swimmer 北極熊連續游泳9天

The US Endangered Species Act lists the polar bear as 'Threatened'




Background: 科學家最近驚奇的發現,一隻北極熊為了覓食連續游泳9天。




Polar bears are superb swimmers. But their hunting ground is the surface of the Arctic ice, where resting seals make easy and calorie-rich prey. In the summer though, a swim between ice floes to catch seals can turn into a marathon.


The researchers fitted the female bear with a radio collar, and tracked her as she swam continuously for nine days - the longest polar bear swim ever recorded. She covered almost 700 km in waters as cold as 2C. Then she hauled herself out of the water and travelled a further 1,800 km - intermittently swimming and walking on the surface of the ice.


When the team recaptured the bear, she had lost almost a quarter of her body weight and her year-old cub, which had been travelling alongside her, had disappeared.


The scientists say that the retreating Arctic ice could be forcing polar bears to take greater risks in search of food, embarking on ever more perilous long-distance journeys.


Glossary 單字表

  • superb  特棒的,極好的
  • calorie-rich  高熱量的
  • prey  被捕食的動物
  • ice floe  冰川、浮冰
  • to haul  拖,拉
  • intermittent  間歇的,斷斷續續的
  • cub  幼獸
  • retreating Arctic ice  融化消退的北極冰
  • to embark  開始
  • perilous  危險的,冒險的


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