
各位粉絲挑戰的如何啊 ??

會不會一下聽不慣英式的腔調呢 ??

多聽幾次就會慢慢的熟悉了 千萬別放棄喔~~




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(二)  聽力填空題


1.  At the moment it’s estimated that there are about 7 billion people on the planet.


2.  If projections are correct experts think there could be 9.5 billion people by the year 2075.


3.  The Institute of Mechanical Engineers recently published a report about how technology could help us manage larger populations.


4.  Roger Harrabin says that population growth is even more important than climate change.


5.  He said we could improve refrigeration and transportation.



(三)  聽力問答題


1.  Engineers need to find ways to supply 4 things to the growing population. What are they ?


The report says that engineers need to start work now to find technological solutions to provide enough food, water, energy and homes for nine and a half billion people.



2.  How much food is wasted in newly developed countries ?


Dr Tim Fox said that something like 50% of food is wasted in newly developed countries between the field and the market place.



3.  How is food wasted in highly industrialised countries ?


But he says that in highly industrialised countries – countries that are very developed economically – food is wasted between the supermarket and people’s consumption.


That means that people might buy a lot of food at the supermarket but end up throwing it away – they don’t consume it.




大家是否有答對呢 ??







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