[六分鐘英語] -- Bird superstitions / 鳥的迷信 ( 問題篇 )








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(一)  重點單字


1.  Superstition  [n.]  =  迷信


2.  Touch wood  =  觸摸木頭  =  希望能有好運


3.  Knock on wood  =  敲木頭  =  保好運、甩壞運

** 常用在說錯了話 或 話說得太自滿,想收回的時候。 **


4.  A lucky charm  =  幸運符、帶來好運的物品


5.  Off the top of my head  =  不假思索、一時之間所想到的

** 也就是未仔細考慮 或 未去查究的事。 **


6.  Seagull  [n.]  =  海鷗


7.  Embodiment  [n.]  =  化身、具體化


8.  Cuckoo  [n.]  =  布穀鳥、杜鵑鳥

** Cockoo clock  =  咕咕鐘 **


9.  Old wives' tale  =  無稽之談、不科學的陳腐思想



(二)  聽力填空題


1.  For example, a lot of people think that the number 13 is unlucky, or that you can __________ bad luck if you __________ wood.


2.  It's a helpful __________ that means something you think of quickly, without much __________.


3.  So here it means that the seagulls have given __________ bodies to the __________ of dead sailors – they're the embodiment of the dead sailors.


4.  The cuckoo is a bird with a long __________ and a very __________ cry.


5.  An old wives' tale is what we call superstitions that are totally __________ and __________ sometimes.



(三)  聽力問答題.


1.  What superstition does Alice follow ?


2.  What kind of people avoid killing seagulls ?


3.  What should people do with an owl's egg to improve their eyesight ?



(四)  討論題


Are you superstitious ?

I am.

I try to follow the superstitions that I know, especially during the Ghost Month.


What are some common superstitions ?

I know that people should avoid swimming in lakes and seas during the Ghost Festival.

They say that the ghosts of people that have drowned will try to take the lives of the living.


Tell us what you know by commenting below.....




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** We are not in any way affiliated with BBC. **


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